- Please close the default WrapBootstrap iFrame when viewing from IE
- Check out SmartAdmin Bug Tracker for all reported issues and wish lists
- Version 1.4 now comes with Pure HTML Version, Advanced PHP Version with custom functions and AngularJS Version (to help you get started)!
If you have already purchased SmartAdmin you can redownload all future updates, at no extra cost, by visiting this link:
SmartAdmin - Responsive WebApp
SmartAdmin WebApp - goes beyond the ordinary admin template. Its unique flat design and responsive layout is crafted one of a kind. SmartAdmin comes with 4 different versions: Pure HTML, AJAX Version, PHP, and AngularJS version. SmartAdmin also adds flavor to 40+ customized jquery plugins including 5 unique plugins (exclusively catered for SmartAdmin). SmartAdmin Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device - be it Mobile, Web or WebApp - SmartAdmin has you covered!
Features include:
- Carefully hand coded from head to toe
- Contains neatly organized and commended HTML, JS and LESS files (unminified CSS files available)
- Built with bootstrap 3.0 + (contains LESS files for the Custom BS Build)
- Retina Graphs and Icons (Fontawesome 4.0 and Glyphs)
- w3 valid cross browser compatible HTML5 markup
- Unique, never seen before, localStorage Widgets (Jarvis Widget 2.0) with custom controls for the users (now includes a robust API)
- 6 Level responsive navigation
- Scales to almost any size (Fluid/Responsive/Boxed and Container)
- Two different navigation options (horizontal or vertical - no DOM changes required to change between the two)
- All images used are compressed using punypng compressor
- CSS3 Animated
- Modern Form Elements (jQuery select2, colorpicker, datepicker, validation, iDevice buttons and wizard)
- Professional Design and Branding (includes matching email templates [non-Bootstrap])
- Unique menu API that can be collapsed, or hidden (show on hover). Menu also adapts on mobile phones very swiftly.
- Unique Google Map Skins (8 in total)
- Google like Gallery with data-attribute descriptions
- Smart Alert and Smart Notifications with sound (Unique to SmartAdmin only)
- Dynamic Data Table with export to PDF/Excel
- Smart Form elements (built on top of bootstrap library for robust form development)
- AJAX pages (pages are pulled in and scripts are loaded on request per page)
- Also now contains Clean HTML Pages (as of version 1.2)
- Recently added Advanced PHP Classes for the PHP version, AngularJS version and grunt tasks (as of version 1.4)
Change colors using LESS variables or use included themes
Special Features:
- Functional Inbox page (all you will need to do is code the backend)
- Sparkline, Easy Pie Charts and various important form elements are controlled by data-*attributes
- Fully functional Calendar with Add event with color, description and icon
- Lighter pages (page scripts/plugins are loaded with a lazy load technique via ajax)
- Breadcrumbs are built automatically
- Various button types and colors
- Custom tree view
- Jquery UI Compatible
Layout API
- Collapse Navigation (show on hover)
- Fixed header, ribbon and navigation
- Minified navigation - minifies the navigation to show only icons, reveals children on parent hover.
- metro type shortcut dropdown (click the username to show)
Will be included in the future:
- More color options / themes - Now Available
- Profile Page Now Available
- Media CSS files for printing - Now Available
- Forum Layout Now Available
- Editable Tables Now Available
- Pure HTML page without ajax - Now Available
- Detailed Documentation Now Available
- Modular LESS Files - Now Available
- And many more features to discover
Be smart in 2014 and go with SmartAdmin. It's Okay to be Smart!
Update 1.4 (05/06/2014) (see docs for upgrade instructions)
- Fixed loading cog for AJAX pages
- Fixed all IE11 related bugs and compaibility issues
- Removed ID #project-context and replaced with class .project-context
- Fixed vertical scrolling issue for fixed left navigation
- The function "nav_page_height()" has been made redundant
- Fixed the double scroll bar bug for bootstrap modals
- Fixed CSS issue with bg-color pseudo classes that was conflicting with tabs
- Resolved compatibility issue with HighCharts
- Fixed Fullscreen function for HTML Version
- Fixed .NET MVC bug for form inputs
- Fixed IE11 glitch for checkURL in app.js (AJAX Version)
- Scrollbar overlay in IE10 - this was happening due to bootstrap's @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } which was initially intended for Windows 8 Metro. CSS has now been adjusted. IMPORTANT: Please note we have disabled this fix by default, to enable please edit "ie-fix.less" and recompile your CSS.
- For AJAX version on mobile view, selecting the items from the top #shortcut does not auto hide the menu Solution: we have now added data-attributes which you can use to close the navigation
- Dygraphs integration
- jQgrid Integration
- Upgrade to FontAwesome Library 4.1
- Upgrade Datatable plugin to v1.10
- Add Google Map custom pins with dynamic XML data (see google maps page and pins.xml)
- Add flags page (showing all the flags of the world with a easy copy and paste reusable code)
- Expand/Collapse table row
- Added functional data-attributes for Collapse Menu, Reset Widgets, User Logout, Toggle Shortcut, Minify Menu, and Full Screen - Functions
- Localize files and assets with Grunt (Tasks include: minify CSS & JS files, compile LESS, concatinate JS files - more tasks can be added as required) Note: We do not provide any tutorial to setup grunt as there are many videos and tutorials readily available on the internet
- Bootstrap modal content is now loaded dynamically for the AJAX version
- Added page footer (options: fixed, static, disable footer)
- Reduced page rendering time for mobile view by removing layout related javascripts and re-adjusting the CSS
- Added PHP Version of SmartAdmin
- Added Horizontal Navigation Option
- Add AngularJS Version of SmartAdmin
- Updated and organized LESS files and its structure
Update 1.3 (28/02/2014)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap Framework 3.1.1
- Added Documentation
- Added 1 additional skin
- Added pages: Profile page, Forum page, Timeline page, Forgot password page
- Added Fullscreen function (does not support IE9)
- Updated app.js to have url with query strings like the google search - available only for the ajax version
- Added Splash screens and home screen icons for iDevices
- Slight DOM change was made to <div class="login-info">...</div>. CSS/LESS and CSS skins was updated accordingly. This was done to truncate long user names
- Added additional Bootstrap form elements (see the new section "Flexible Input fields with icons" inside the Bootstrap Form Elements page)
- Added logout message localization handler using data-attribute
- Define file path variable for sound files
- Fixed various CSS bugs and memory leaks
- Added PHP Version (beta release)
Read all changes here:
Update 1.2 (13/1/2014)
- Added non-ajax version for SmartAdmin
- Updated jarvis.widget to work with non-ajax page view (Jarvis widget now includes onSave and OnLoad hooks to be saved into the database)
- app.js has been significantly reworked - users can switch on / off plugins and features more easily
- LESS files are now more modular, new variables are added for better control
- Update Select2 to latest version (3.4.5)
- All ajaxed pages now scroll to top when loading a new page
- Nav menu clicks now updates title
- Added new custom plugin "SmartClick" - this will counter the 300ms delay click in iDevices (this is turned off by default - see app.js to turn it on)
- Fixed CSS issue with X-editable date popup
- Fixed Android mobile menu bug
- Typo in main.less file that resulted certain @media width content to not adjust properly on iPad view
- Function for drawing breadcrumb was running for all ajax calls - this now checks the container and runs the function when appropriate
- Removed CSS3 wobble animation from menu items to save memory on touch devices
- Removed animation from menu slide in / out to save mobile memory
- Added the 3 missing images to the image library (also deleted reference to images in CSS that were not being used)
Update 1.1 (1/1/2014)
- SmartAdmin theme is now built with LESS - previous CSS files are deprecated!
- Added 2 new Skins - Dark Elegance and Ultra White (see the settings panel - cog icon top right corner )
- Improved repainting for touch devices
- Fixed ajax bug and all IE 9 related issues (IE users will need to close the WrapBootstrap iFrame when viewing the demo)
- Ajax scripts now load faster
Update 1.0
- Initial release
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